For the past decade and a half, there has been this infatuation with elite Quarterbacks, and how you need them to win Super Bowls. It probably had its beginnings when Brady and Peyton started their reign as the premier QBs in the league during the early-mid 2000s, and grew after the Patriots 2007 perfect season. It really took off when Joe Flacco said he was the best QB in the league, and all of a sudden analysts started losing their minds and propping him up as an a elite QB (and he won a Super Bowl ring).
Since then, there have been a lot of QBs put on a short leash from fans and front office members. Many always wonder “Will this guy be elite? Is he good?”. And what they fail to realize is that you don’t need to have an elite QB to win in football. You don’t even need a great one.

Look at some of the QBs who have won a Super Bowl the last couple of seasons. Outside of Brady, the list is kind of shaky. 2011 – Eli Manning. 2012 – Joe Flacco. 2013 – 2nd year Russell Wilson. 2014 – Tom Brady. 2015 – Washed-up Peyton Manning. 2016 – Tom Brady. 2017 – Nick Foles.
As you can see, the list isn’t that great. Brady and the Pats, with their ‘Patriot Way’ and their super calculated, super disciplined, super strict get-up lost to Nick Foles and the “I’d rather fun winning one super bowl than being miserable and winning five” Eagles.
Now I’m not saying that you can win multiple super bowls and have a dynsasty with guys like Nick Foles. But teams and fans alike need to know that you don’t need an elite, super cerebral dialed-in QB to win at least one Super Bowl. Look at how that’s been working out for Matt Ryan and the Atlanta Falcons. Or Andy Dalton and the Bengals. Or Alex Smith (RIP). You just need a guy that is cool, with a big arm.
Look at Flacco. Eli. Young Big Ben. These guys have gotten criticism over the years for not being that focused or dialed in all the time. But guess what? In the playoffs, when things are high stakes, sometimes that’s good. It means less nerves. Less prone to choking.

That’s why teams should consider investing in QBs like Josh Allen or Baker Mayfield. Big, powerful arms, relatively mobile, and not too mental. They know how to relax and chill. Because those are the types of Quarterbacks that go on runs. We are no longer in the era of sustained dynasties (The Patriots are probably the last one). It is hard to keep an elite team going on for long. So trying to chase the Brady standard is futile. This is a league where you get hot and have your year to succeed. So get a guy that can get hot, and has the guts to throw down field in the playoffs.